Hello, my fellow blog mates! It has been a LONG time since I have written on my blog now hasn't it? I guess I've just been caught up by the flow of summer and totally forgotten about my little blog world...(or I just haven't gotten my Macbook back yet...) I have currently been curiously infatuated with the making of friendship bracelets! They are the freakin coolest things, especially when you are FINALLY finished making it, because it take a LONG time to just make one. I am currently working on a Kingdom Hearts one, in this pattern: http://braceletbook.com/pattern_alpha/902.html . Have only got like 3 knots done at the moment, but I was previously working on an alpha bracelet for my cousin. I'm pretty sure she won't want to wear it though, lol, because it looks really really really crappy. It's like a purplish-blue color with yellow words on it. *Sigh* I wish I could show you a picture of it, but I don't feel like using my camera and my I don't have my Mac at the moment. When I DO get it back though, I'll definitely try to post some of my beginner's works (: Tata, for now~
Chao~ (A form of bye in Spanish!!)
~Mikoto Takumi
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