Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A Brother's Ignorance or Forgetfulness..

My brother, whom I will nickname "Makoto" (since it is kind of like my pen name..not for any other reason..), and I were talking at dinner today and we started going all out in hysterical laughter because we kept trying to name our own Pokémon® and remembering funny stuff.  Then he told me this hilarious story about his friend and him.

     "My friend Connor and I were looking at this picture of Jesus's Last Supper that he had on his computer and I accidentally called it, 'The Big Dinner.'"  -"Makoto"

     It was the most hilarious thing I had ever heard and I started laughing so hard I almost fell out of my chair.  It might not seem funny here, but if you were there, you would have been rolling on the floor laughing too.

- Mikoto Takumi, who has had her daily laughs today..


Pen said...

You sure it's not for another reason, Mikoto? xD

Shockness said...

Jeremy just made my life..