Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Bump the Size of a Peanut....nut..and Mutant Freaks. Very Nice Combination..

Yoha!  That's like "yo" and "hey" put together...fyi.

Random Topic #1: Case Reopened...
     Anyways, so I think the case of the hurting swollen pinky is still on track because it hurts like crap!  I don't even know what happened to it anymore.  *Sigh*  Why, why pinky!?  Must you inflict this pain upon me?  Well not THAT much pain...well in comparison to Max and the rest of the flock.  Which brings me to the next subject.

Random Topic #2: Maximum Ride...YEAA!!
     So I have recently become infatuated with a book series written by James Patterson called the Maximum Ride series.  I am currently finished with the first book that I bought recently at Barnes and Nobles.  I was thinking about buying the first two books in the series and now, I REALLY wish I had.  I am like dying a mental and deep agonizing death every second that ticks away on the clock.  It's like every time the continuously moving third hand...ticks...Ari is slashing a hole the size of a freaking falcon through my throbbing chest.  Tick!  Slash!  Tick!  Slash!  Tick, tick, tick!  Slash, Sloop, Slink!  Tick! Sla--
     You get the point...anyways.  I find it very amusing that the half wolf half human people are called "erasers."  Like they will "erase" you if they get you and tear you to ribbons of dog food.

Agonizingly in pain,
Mikoto Takumi

P.S. (I absolutely adore Fang :]  Angel kinda gets on my nerves though...ugh..)

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